Sacrificing Chess for Go

It’s been made clear to me now that I’ve reached my peak in chess. Perhaps I may be able to push a little farther, maybe I could push past 1793 to 2000. However, the truth is… what’s the point? 

I will not gain a deeper understanding of strategy by continuing to play this game. Mainly because chess at heart is more focused on tactics. While Go is much broader, focusing instead on the interrelation between several battles occurring simultaneously. No longer will I be constrained to fighting over a single square, only to be overwhelmed by a mere pushy pawn. I have grown tired of this games insane precision. The constant fear of overlooking a fork, or enduring the sudden unexplained checkmate.

How many times has it happened?

Wherein I’m looking right, only to be crushed on my left flank. Humiliated by a displaced knight residing on the wrong square. Perhaps yet, I’ll finally find peace of mind within the game of Baduk instead. This marks the end of my perilous 8 year journey though the forest of chess. Better to exit now, then sink further into the morass of quicksand.

Hello! We’re D.J. Hoskins

We are Davena and Jason Hoskins, co-authors of 30+ books and siblings who write under the pseudonym D.J. Hoskins. Three years apart and in our twenties, we have been fascinated by stories from a young age. Davena is a student attending Princeton University, and Jason attends Georgetown University.

Read our story here.

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